Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 8.00am - 6.00pm (closed 1-2pm)
Doors open:
Monday - Friday: 8.20am - 5.30pm (closed 1-2pm)
Please call 111 if you need medical advice outwith the above times
NHS Near Me
NHS Near Me is a new video consulting service which aims to provide outpatient consultations in your own home. You will see your consultant by video link. To use this service, you must have pre-booked an appointment with a clinician.
To find out how to attend an NHS Near Me appointment click here
To access your appointment please click here
Surgery Consultations
Appointments with our doctors, practice nurses and healthcare assistants are available between 08:30am and 5.00pm on weekdays.
For non-urgent problems, we offer a choice of face-to-face or telephone appointments with our doctors (these may be 2-3 weeks ahead). There are also a limited number of routine appointments available daily. Please contact the practice when phone-lines open at 8am to book these. If you feel your problem is urgent, please let the receptionist know.
Most of our appointments with practice nurses and healthcare assistants can be made in advance at the reception desk or over the phone.
We also offer extended hours appointments which are out with normal surgery opening hours, early morning from 7:15am. These are intended for those who are unable to attend at other times, due to work or other circumstances. Please ask the receptionist for details.
We offer 15 minute appointments but if you think the medical problem will require extra time or if you would like to discuss more than one problem please ask the receptionist about arranging a double appointment.
If you feel that the appointment offered is not soon enough for your problem, please discuss your case with the doctor on the Triage Line (see below).
Telephone Triage Line – Tel. 713939
One of the doctors is available to discuss urgent medical issues each morning and afternoon. Please call early in the morning or afternoon to ensure the GP can all you back before we close.
Also, if you are looking for advice on something that you haven’t discussed with another GP before then the Triage GP may be able to help.
Please be advised, the triage line is not for Med3 (sick-line) requests, GP specific queries or complex issues which you have been discussing with another GP. Please ask reception to book you a telephone appointment with your usual GP in these circumstances.